comfort in my crazy


i’d take every language to tell you I Love you in different ways

take pictures before dawn so you wouldn’t miss a sunrise

fill your passport with island hopping where rainbows end to keep you hopeful

learn how to play piano and croon songs that celebrated your greatness

share memories and recipes with your mama so you would be sated

paint your portrait with royal hues so you could see yourself through my eyes

take the children to a museum, gallery, orchestra

then to the movies, a concert and amusement park because learning should be a joy

if they think building sandcastles is corny i’ll help them construct their desires

while you were sleeping i’ll sing to you softly so you will dance in your dreams

you will wake up in magic

manifesting your purpose

it wouldn’t cost you a thing

but your belief

© michele mitchell, 2014


Photo credit:

other crazy antics:

  1. A Watermark, a Ford Falcon and a Creative Commons License walk into an alley… | Greg Urbano
  2. A Supposedly Fun Thing I Should Never Have Done in the First Place | AS I PLEASE
  4. On being yourself | Attempted Human Relations and Self
  5. Venturing Beyond the Comfort Zone | snapshotsofawanderingheart